Biggest Commercial Property Managers 2024


Policy Statement

Dorset Realty Group Canada Ltd. (“Dorset Realty”) is a real estate services company that provides a range of services including property management, commercial and residential sales, and leasing. In order to provide these services, Dorset Realty may collect personal information about its clients and customers with their consent and in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). Dorset Realty collects only that personal information needed in order to provide services to clients and customers. That information will be used solely for the intended purpose unless otherwise consented. Personal information will be kept only until the intended purpose has been fulfilled.

Privacy Compliance Officer

1.   Dorset Realty’s Privacy Compliance Officer is responsible for:

  • a. Establishing and updating privacy policies
  • b. Assessing the accessibility of personal information and taking remedial steps where needed
  • c. Ensuring compliance with PIPA
  • d. Training employees to ensure proper privacy protocol is followed
  • e. Resolving privacy complaints

You may contact the Privacy Compliance Officer at:
Damien Roussin, Chief Executive Officer
#215-10451 Shellbridge Way
Richmond, B.C. V6X 2W8

Purpose for Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

2. Unless the purpose for collecting personal information are obvious and the clients and customers voluntarily provide his or her personal information for those purposes, we will communicate the purposes for which personal information is being collected, verbally or written, before or at the time of collection.

3. Dorset Realty collects, uses and discloses personal information for specific purposes. These purposes may include:

  • a. Delivering requested products and services
  • b. Enrolling a client in Pre-Authorized Payments service
  • c. Processing payments
  • d. Ensuring the security and safety of tenants and owners
  • e. Responding to emergency situations
  • f. Determining the eligibility for tenancy
  • g. Communicating with clients and customers
  • h. Compliance with regulatory bodies (FINTRAC) and legal requirements

Description of Personal Information Collected

4.   Dorset Realty collects the following types of personal information:

  • a. Name, address, phone numbers, email addresses of owners, tenants and occupants
  • b. Name, address, phone numbers, email addresses of emergency contacts for owners, tenants and occupants
  • c. Financial information (on a cheque, Credit Check form, Pre-Authorized Debit form or credit card)
  • d. Vehicle information and license plates

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

5.   Only personal information required to provide services to our clients and customers will be collected.

6.   Consent will be obtained in order to collect personal information (verbal or written). Consent will not be obtained if the information is not sensitive, when it is reasonable to assume the individual would expect the information to be disclosed or when consent may be implied. Individuals are considered to have given implied consent when the purpose for collecting, using or disclosing personal information would be considered obvious and the individual voluntarily provides personal information.

7.   Dorset Realty will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal information that it collects, uses or discloses is accurate and complete.

Disclosure for New Purpose

8.   If the original intended purpose of personal information has changed, further consent will be obtained to use or disclose that information unless disclosure is permitted or required under PIPA.

9.   If required by law, personal information will be disclosed without obtaining prior approval or providing notice.

Withdrawal of Consent

10.   Consent to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information may be withdrawn at any time. Withdrawal of consent may result in Dorset Realty’s inability to deliver products or services. Consent cannot be withdrawn if doing so would prevent the performance of a legal obligation.

Possession of Information

11.   Dorset Realty will keep personal information only until the intended purpose has been fulfilled.

Accuracy of Information

12.   Clients and customers may request correction to their personal information in order to ensure its accuracy and completeness. A request to correct personal information must be made in writing and provide sufficient detail to identify the personal information and the correction being sought. The request to correct personal information will be forwarded to the Privacy Compliance Officer.

Protecting Information

13.   Limiting the access and exposure of personal information is an ongoing objective of Dorset Realty. The following security measures are taken to ensure this information’s protection from loss, unauthorized access or disclosure:

  • a. Premise security both within the office and in storage locations
  • b. Restricted file access
  • c. Internal passwords
  • d. Security software and firewalls
  • e. Shredding paper records and permanently deleting electronic records
  • f. Training staff to ensure proper security protocol is followed

Access to Personal Information

14.   Upon written request to the Privacy Compliance Officer, Dorset Realty will advise you of your personal information it has in its possession, as well as its use and disclosure. These requests will be responded to in an efficient and timely manner.

Questions and Complaints

15.   Clients and customer should direct any complaints, concerns or questions regarding Dorset Realty’s compliance in writing to the Privacy Compliance Officer, who will:

  • a. Investigate
  • b. Acknowledge receipt promptly
  • c. Contact the individual to clarify the complaint, if required
  • d. Follow a fair, impartial and confidential process

16.   If the Privacy Compliance Officer is unable to resolve the concern, the client or customer may also write to the Information and Privacy Commissioner or British Columbia.